Lean In: What I’ve Learned Working for Equity & Justice in The Berkshires

Yes, this personal and cultural work around racial and social justice is challenging. We will encounter barriers and fail, sometimes miserably, or see things we don’t want to see. What will we learn? How will we rebuild, work through, repair and restore? How will we do something different next time? As we advocate for and educate others, we must start with our own commitment to ongoing self-education. It takes the practice of an athlete or a pianist to work for justice. Self-care, training, education, and practice in cultural humility. 

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A Healing Pittsfield is One that Talks about Sexism and Racism

Thinking about our community as a whole… as the central heartbeat of the Berkshires, Pittsfield is a resilient city. We don't need another GE to rescue or “restore” Pittsfield; we need to loosen up the status quo in leadership and start practicing equity. We need to ask each other, what would a healthier Pittsfield look like?

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